We are committed to providing a hassle-free shopping experience, including a clear and fair return process. If you need to return an item, please review our policy below.
General Return Guidelines:
A valid order ID or proof of purchase is required to initiate a return.
Returns must be initiated within 30 days of the item's arrival.
The return period may vary depending on the warranty of each product.
In some cases, we may request images or videos to assess the return request.
Partial returns are accepted if only part of the order needs to be returned.
1. Change of Mind (Order Amendment or Cancellation)
We generally do not accept returns due to change of mind; however, we review each situation on a case-by-case basis.
Requests must be made within 30 days of the item's arrival.
If your order has not been dispatched, we can process a cancellation or amendment immediately.
If the order has already been shipped, it must be returned before a refund or exchange can be issued.
We will provide return instructions and the return address.
Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer, and tracking details must be provided.
A restocking fee may apply depending on the condition of the returned item.
Refunds will be processed once the returned item has been received and verified.
If a replacement is preferred, we will send it based on availability.
2. Incorrect or Faulty Product (Refund or Replacement Request)
If you receive an incorrect or faulty item, please contact us within 30 days of the item's arrival.
To help us resolve the issue quickly, we recommend providing a photo or video of the faulty item when reaching out.
We will provide return instructions, including a prepaid shipping label.
Once the item is returned, we will track it to ensure successful delivery.
You can choose one of the following resolutions:
Refund: A refund will be processed once the return has been received and confirmed.
Replacement: If you prefer a replacement instead, please specify the product you wish to receive. We will dispatch it based on availability and provide tracking details.
For any return-related inquiries, please contact our customer support team. Returns will be processed in compliance with all applicable U.S. consumer protection laws. We appreciate your business and are here to assist you with any concerns.